Effective creams for face wrinkles

The dermatologists did not participate in the sales of cosmetic products, the promotion of aesthetic procedures, rather skeptical of the "power" creams "anti-aging". The age, the wrinkles, the quantity of, or detailed, or more, depending on the genetic, lifestyle, instead of what tools people use. What was nice, not the cream, it will not help if the woman is not getting enough sleep, not eating, or Smoking.

anti-wrinkle cream

Also the wrinkles the formation of effect:

  1. The oiliness of your skin. obladatelnicy dry skin much earlier to see the aging first signs. The cream against wrinkles, moisturizing, nourishing action requirement. Oily skin is more dense, soft, don't have to omolazhivayushhem care.
  2. Enter the aging. Beauticians there are several types of aging, but the aspects of the development of wrinkles two: small krupnomorshhinistyj. In the first case, drought, destructive processes in the upper layers of the epidermis to provoke the formation of many folds, like a well-preserved oval face. The fight against the "net" skin needs intensive hydration, nutrition, protection from harmful uv-radiation, the wind. The second variant is dominated by gravity changes: ptosis, eye bags, drooping eyelids, deep furrows from the nose, the mouth, chin, and face. Such folds are almost impossible to eliminate all the conservative methods. The prevention of anti-wrinkle cream should contain ingredients that improve the flexibility, strengthen the body face, i.e., to liftingovym effect.
  3. The intensity of the ultraviolet radiation. Dermatologists claim the skin there is nothing worse than the sun. This exposure to the sun causes premature aging, women's life in the hot climate, severyanok who love the fake tan. Effective anti-wrinkle cream should contain a strong UV-filter.

German researchers conducted a study, which showed that the effectiveness of the popular anti-aging about 10 – 15%. The fight against wrinkles neinvazivnymi methods that's a pretty good result. In fact, anti-aging cream has a preventive effect, reduces the severity of wrinkles due to the general improvement of the skin.

But the reflection is very happy, the woman is clearly need to understand what is the problem needed correction, in accordance with them to pick up the cream.

The "magic" ingredients, the cream – myths, reality

The skin responsible ingredients, such as collagen fibers, elastin, and hyaluronic acid. The stimulation of the production, a number of cosmetic procedures and injections gialuronovymi file, botulotoksinom today the most popular way of eliminating wrinkles, folds.

wrinkle cream myths

Hyaluronic acid

The idea is to nourish the skin, these substances pressed cosmetic laboratories for the creation of special creams. However, the presence of hyaluronate, protein soedinitelnotkannyx is not an advantage. The molecules of these components is too large to penetrate the surface layer of the skin. The first wash, wash it off, if you don't clog your pores, causing pimples, blackheads.


Even a "magical" component of the wrinkles – the Botox. So popular that it became the symbol of rejuvenation treatments. This toxin really effectively fights mimicheskimi folds under paralizuya the surrounding muscles, relaxing smorshhennuyu the skin. The effect, however, becomes obvious only if it is injected directly to the muscles. Botox cream with no more than a marketing ploy.


placentarnaya cosmetics – another myth in the industry, the beauty of the youth. Extract the placenta contains hormone-active substances, which are beneficial to the skin. The effect, however, that the termination, or a bunch of serious adverse events and denies all attempts at the renewal.

The royal jelly

Not a panacea, royal jelly. This valuable bee product contains a lot of necessary skin proteins, vitamins, fatty acids, trace elements, but the fight with the wrinkles better that the internal – external useless.

The stem cells

The latest achievements of cosmetology encouraging the use of extract of plant stem cells. These are isolated from different plants and added that the formula anti-aging remedies, depending on the intended use of the product.

There are cells, increase the skin's elasticity, others reduce deep wrinkles, smooth fine lines. The stem extracts gave the results, and must consist of at least 5%. It is recommended a cream from wrinkles after 30.

The phytoestrogens

A plants, their structure and operation is similar to the female sex hormones. Because of the similarity to human tissue, penetrate deep into the skin, with strong anti-aging effect.

Estrogen the most important hormone in the female beauty, the phytoestrogen performs its function without the strong addictive, harmful to your health. If the cream from wrinkles after 40 years fitogormony concentration of 30%, you can expect a good result with regular use.


Synthetic substance, created from the amino, connected peptidnymi chains represent mikromolekuly protein, which is able to integrate the structure of the skin. The peptides of the blocking properties to reduce reduce mimicheskoj muscles like Botox relaxes the emotional wrinkles.


Stimulating peptides induce active cell division, collagen makes the skin tight, elastic. Those and other protein compounds have a powerful rejuvenating effect shows Mature women who have severe signs of aging.

The product with peptides – a complex and costly process, so a good cream from wrinkles after 50 years can't be cheap. Effective concentration of peptides of at least 7%, but only 1 g of these materials increase the cost of the manufacturer by as much as 30 euros.


The nano technology has reached the beauty industry, which can not but rejoice. Because liposomes with a size of 10 nm to solve the main task of the cosmetics: how to without injections and operations to deliver nutrients into the deeper layers of the skin. The prisoners nanosomy anti-ageing ingredients penetrate into the skin, where the dissolution of the shell liposfer.

How to choose a wrinkle cream

Anti age tools in the range of every cosmetic brand. Typically, it's a whole series, the ladies of all ages. Find the best wrinkle cream, you can't rely on the numbers on the passport, it is more important to properly assess the condition of the skin:

  • the number, depth and type of wrinkles, localization;
  • the ageing first signs, or are expressed;
  • the presence of ptosis, sagging, dryness, and other problems.

It is desirable that the composition of the product contains the active ingredients:

  • retinoids stimulate collagen production in the skin;
  • hydrolysed collagen supports skin tone, elasticity of tissues;
  • organic acids (fruit, milk) to exfoliate the top layer of the epidermis cells, stimulate the renewal processes;
  • the muscle relaxers (Argirelin, ceramides 3, extract bosvelii) — relax facial muscles.

In addition to the action of the wrinkles, the cream should be provided:

  • hydration;
  • food;
  • alignment mikrorelefa;
  • UV-protection;
  • lymph circulation;
  • gipoallergennost.

Select the anti-wrinkle cream it's best to consult an experienced beautician who takes into account the individual characteristics, the problems of aging skin and advise the appropriate tools. Layman is difficult to understand the compositions, the diversity of products, product lines, manufacturers. In addition, the cost of cosmetic different price segments can be different sometimes, but not always the expensive works better than cheap.

How to apply?

None of the anti-wrinkle cream will not give you instant results. A more or less noticeable effect, you need to regularly use the vehicle for at least 28 days. That's how much time it takes for the skin to renew the surface layer, the anti-aging ingredients.

The second rule of the fight against aging – the systematic. The cream should be applied from time to time, but the day, in accordance with the instructions.

It is important to master the proper technique to apply:

  • Thoroughly clean the skin, proper cleaning. Pat face with towel.
  • The cream gently massaging from the center to the side of the light movements from the bottom up.
  • Do not pull or push the skin. Pat the cream gently Pat with the fingers which massage the blood flow.
  • Do not use cream to the eye zone. Buy a special, more lenient. Technique circular the outer corner of the lower eyelid to the nose and the inner corner to the temple.

Home remedies

home remedies

Love cosmetics on your own, you will surely appreciate the recipe for the homemade cream of wrinkles:

  • Recipe For Cleopatra. 3 tablespoons honey, mixed with 4 tablespoons milk until smooth, apply on the skin. After 10 minutes, rinse, blot face with a tissue. Prevents wrinkles, freshens, whitens the skin.
  • Vitamin cream. Finely chop a Cup of fresh dill, add sushenuyu violet (5 g), a few drops of oil (jojoba, coconut), vitamins a, E. in a blender, whisk until the consistency of porridge, spread to face for 5 minutes, then rinse. Whiten your skin, napityvaet vitamins, fighting the first wrinkles.
  • Avocado cream. Mash the flesh of the avocado, add the juice of two slices of cucumber, 3 tablespoons of almond oil. Mix, apply around the eyes. A quarter of an hour, carefully remove the "crow's feet" disappear.
  • Wax cream. Melt a piece of natural beeswax, add a few perepelinyx yolks and Cup of jojoba oil. Bring to a boil, cool place, bottles. Use the cream at night every other day.

We can't expect miracles from home creams are not able to cope with the deep wrinkles, "spolzayushhim" the face, but it is good for the prevention of the destruction.