Take care of your oily skin: the Golden rules, as well as the possible errors

Not every woman can boast as a perfect skin. One of the most common problem, which the fair sex, is excessive oiliness of your skin. The Shine, dilated pores, acne – partners for oily skin. The point is that this type of claim regular benefits need to be comprehensive: it must include not only the appropriate cosmetics, but also meets certain recommendations.

care for oily skin

Oily skin, as well as the Golden rules of supply

Many people think that proper care for oily skin it is incredibly difficult to implement. But it's actually just the correct algorithm necessary cosmetic procedures, and to follow every day throughout the year.

First and foremost, you need to understand that oily skin requires regular, thorough cleaning, a simple morning and night wash with clean water will be enough. Get rid of that Shine, dilated pores, pimples, blackheads, you need to pick a gentle cleanser for daily use. The best, if it's a special cream or foam for oily skin type. To apply the makeup on the face must use the special brush clean massage movements – deeply cleans the pores, removes the skin's excess oil and dead skin cells.

If you keep narrowing the pores, it is recommended that after cleaning, rinse face with cold water, lemon juice, or RUB the skin with ice. You can also use herbal drink, not only after washing, but during the day, to remove the oily Shine, upgrade your face.

A cleansing massage is the application of gel or foam should conduct the morning and evening. Night washing is absolutely necessary: first, it removes the impurities accumulated on the face during the day, on the other hand, removes the makeup, which in any case can not go out at night, because it's a threat to more clogged pores, pimples. Use clean the face, only the hot or cold water, as the heat encourages the production of sebum.

The next step after washing must be adequate hydration. It is a widespread belief that oily skin will be even fatter if you put on her moisturizer. But the fact of the insufficient nutrition, the skin can only worsen the situation: it's not just the lead, to premature skin aging, but also increases the production of fat. The cream should have a light texture, corresponds to the age peculiarities of the epidermis. For example care oily skin after 30 years includes the creams, the rejuvenating effect.

1-2 times a week they need to do peeling use a scrub and procedures for the use of a cosmetic mask. These manipulations, additional cleaning, caring, nourishing and anti-inflammatory effect. Such treatments are excellent natural remedies based on herbal ingredients.

The question is how to take care of your oily skin, it's not the last role to play in the healthy foods, because the condition of the skin greatly depends on the gastrointestinal tract. We need to give the harmful additives, foods that are high in fat, but instead you need to enter into the diet more fresh fruits, vegetables, and cereals. And, of course, eliminate from your life the addiction.

Top 5 mistakes, and removes the oily skin: how you don't care that the person

To understand how to properly care for your oily skin, you need to remember about what not to do, you want to get rid of dilated pores, and Shine. Here are the most common mistakes care for oily skin at home:

care rules
  1. The use of aggressive cleaning agents. We're talking cosmetics the most effective ingredients, including ethyl alcohol. Such cleaning compositions, the winner of the problem skin you try to remove an ugly light on the degreasing of the epidermis. But in fact it turns out to be the skin to severe stress, the body begins more fat to protect the skin from drying out.
  2. Too often doing peels, and exfoliation. Deep cleaning of the skin helpful in moderation. Abuse of these procedures leads to the dehydration of the skin, depletion of the cells, and the result is the same effect that I described above in the case use strong detergents. In addition, peels, scrubs is the time to refuse, if the person inflammation.
  3. Squeezing comedones, acne, (blackheads). This causes the skin can result in damage to the infection much more serious problems. The best, that the confidence in the mechanical cleaning of the face, to a specialist, who take the rules.
  4. The use of therapeutic products against acne without prescription. Care for problem skin medicine can be practiced only after consulting the doctor. In the best case, the correct medication doesn't work, worse case, you might further ruin your skin condition.
  5. Abuse nutrition. Watch your diet, the girls, the problem skin necessarily, but some of the rules are literally "sitting on" a strict diet that only aggravates the situation: it is very harmful to the digestive tract and, consequently, affect the state of the epidermis.

These errors play a major role in the skin care after 25 years and a more Mature age, can undo all the benefits of the proper care of the face, so be sure to refrain from such manipulations, if you want to normalize the skin condition.

Homemade masks, scrubs and peels for oily skin type

Regardless of how old you are twenty, thirty or forty special means to care for oily face need to be a permanent resident in the home cosmetic shelves. My picky, oily skin, the best choice would be the cosmetics natural safe ingredients. Masks, scrubs, and peels natural ingredients big effect on oily skin, deeply cleans and nourishes him, as well as an anti-inflammatory effect.

At home you can prepare the crust and the mantle the following recipe:

  1. The fruit peel. Grind in a blender with 2-3 tablespoons of ripe pomegranate seeds, 1 tablespoon honey, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. The mixture is rubbed into the face, massage gently, and then after 10 minutes wash it off with cold water. It is recommended to apply pre-steamed skin.
  2. Sugar scrub. It is necessary to mix 1 tablespoon of sugar, milk powder in a blender with aloe Vera, apply to the skin rub in a circular motion for 1-2 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  3. Oatmeal scrub. 1 tablespoon of oatmeal combined with 1 tbsp kefir or plain yogurt, add a pinch of delicious salt. The mixture is gently rubbed on the face for 3-4 minutes, and then wash it off.

The oily skin type face care necessarily involves the use of masks. The most effectively carry out the procedure immediately after use, peel or scrub: at this point, the skin is deep cleaned ready for the maximum absorption of nutrients.

One of the best means to take care of skin, fat, or products on the basis of cosmetic clay. For example, you can mix the white or the blue clay egg whites until a homogeneous thick mixture, apply the mixture on your face for 10 minutes. A great way to improve the condition of oily skin will be the mask, white-blue clay, taken in equal proportion diluted in fresh cucumber juice.

Great for oily skin mask of sour milk products. Try to make a face mix, 3 tbsp yogurt, 1 tbsp cottage cheese, low-fat. The weight placed on the skin for 15 minutes, then wash off with cold water.

No matter what device you choose, before first use, check that the test allergic reactions, especially if it is the mask, scrub, or peel, fruit, berries or honey: RUB a little on your wrist ready, mix and wait a few minutes. Redness, rash or itching, appeared on the skin at the site of application of the funds, a reason not to use it.

homemade mask

If the rules of skin care is oily, regular, careful care of the person, changes for the better will be visible in a few weeks, but that doesn't mean that you can leave nursing procedures. Only the constant control over condition of the skin to guarantee the preservation of the obtained result for a long time.