How to care for oily skin

Oily skin always stands out from the oily Shine, dilated pores, pimples, comedones, and other problems. Causes: inadequate supply, poor quality cosmetics, inactive lifestyle, habits, genes, stress, etc. To avoid such unpleasant moments, there is a need for regular intensive care unit.

care for oily skin

If you don't care about the oily skin, sebum (a liquid fat), to increase the light will be more noticeable. The pores start to be clogged, not only the dirt, dust, but grease, dead skin cells. There will be more acne, comedones can cause inflammation, irritation. All this leads to serious problems, diseases of the skin.

The same effect happens if you choose the wrong supply. At least it should, that is specifically for oily skin. Ideally, you should choose the means, which include the useful and necessary parts. Wrong road going the opposite result, that can only worsen the condition of the point to a new challenge. Therefore, this paper focuses on the selection of the appropriate means to care for oily type of skin.

Common myths about oily skin

Very often the women are faced with generally accepted ideas about these types of skin. Many, unfortunately, wrong, and to show that the owners of oily skin is misleading. That is, the wrong choice of cosmetics, care. Effect in the best case, I've never seen. The worst of the disease deterioration of the skin. You have to deal with the most common myths that hinder the girls to properly care for themselves.

Myth # 1.

The surface of the skin rough. The greater part consists of dead cells. The cream on the desired layer of the epidermis, dead should be thoroughly removed.

Quite a common myth that it hurts. In fact, the skin of a living organism consists of cells. Yes, there are dead batteries, but few, because the cells are updated. Entire update period of twenty-eight days. On the surface there is a layer that must be removed. Yes, after cleaning, voice lines, the skin becomes clearer. But don't be too rough, especially if the skin is oily.

Keratocytes (dead cells) is still part of a living organism. They are dead, and then removed from the surface of the skin, so it supports the stable operation for all systems. If your term (death) is too strong, the daily scrubs and peels, and then start the opposite effect. The skin begins to produce more sebum, which serves as a protection and lubricant. Starts hyperkeratosis– if the surface of the skin is compressed, it will be much rougher, thicker.

Myth # 2.

care for oily skin cleanser

The scrub have to be hard. RUB face.

Due to the fact that the oily skin increased oiliness, a lot of women think that cleaning then you should apply a hard parts – abrasives. Or the stores where the recommended body scrub based on crushed walnut shell.

Use this scrub is dangerous and is strictly prohibited. Solid particles removal of sebum, but also create minor scratches that are not visible until a certain period of time. Because of the rough treatment aktiviziruyutsya the sebaceous glands, the wound begins to numb the fat. Therefore inflammation of the wound. In addition, the abrasive materials small, sharp. Can easily hide in the pores, damage them, initiating an inflammatory process or even worse, a form of acne.

Use the scrubs tough abrasive materials may be once a month. This is not to RUB them. If you hit, easy short massage, and everything. If you urgently need to even skin – once a month, scrub able. But for daily use you need to use only a mild household detergent.

Misconception # 3.

The skin should be dried.

This is one of the most dangerous fault claims. Skin coating of liquid fat, does not mean that there is a lot of moisture. The humidity and fat content of the different concepts. Oily skin is constantly looking for the balance between moisture and sebum. If you are using remi, holy means that the effect will not be comforting. These medicines pull the remaining moisture from the epidermal cells, but the fat is not affected.

On the contrary, if the moisture content is not enough, this will activate the sebaceous glands. Begin intensive sebum production, which will replenish lost moisture. But it's not hard to save, and then the cells lacking the moisture, fat face became even more. The skin loses the tone, begin to appear, lines, wrinkles, dehydration begins. No oil procedure, page is not going to help.

The first thing we can do in this case is not to the dry skin. Do not use alkaline Soaps, creams, alcohol-based. This is the dry skin and help to sebum production. The daily washing, you need to buy Sebo regula the foam. This does not affect the amount of moisture in the cells, but calms sebaceous glands, removes excess Shine. After washing, use the tonic to hydrate, soothe your epidermis.

Apply creams are alcohol-based, but in certain cases. The drying of the pimple or acne, these medicines, because that's exactly the problem areas. Thus, it is possible to prevent drying of the skin. Delete this means that every person is strictly prohibited.

Myth # 4.

The daily remi, holy fat disappears.

Get rid of the excretion of the fat is impossible. Scientific studies have not yet managed to confirm the fact that get rid of the fat forever. The type of the epidermis is affected by poor diet. Those who called this because it is oozing liquid fat – bad.

Type skin created by nature, it is a genetic disease. It is impossible, for example, to change the height or eye color. Also, the type of the skin.

Misconception # 5.

care for oily skin for regeneration of the

Moisturizing is not necessary, as the liquid fat has a moisturizing effect.

The moisture conditions and the allocated fat are two different things. Liquid fat to the surface of the face, the moisture of the cells inside. Under the influence of the external environmental factors (sudden temperature changes, cold, heat, strong wind, stress) moisture starts to evaporate. The level of oiliness of the epidermis unaltered. The same thing will happen if the daily wash to cleanse your face, but it's not moisturizing tonic, cream or gel. The moisture balance of cells is disturbed.

To prevent such a situation, you need to use the moisturizer. You also need to consider certain age groups. A moisturizing cream for young skin need hyaluronic acid in women 40 years – jojoba oil, collagen.

The cream should be light, not greasy, a desirable gel texture. The composition of free oil that can clog pores and create inflammation.

Home care

The oily type of face, thoughtful, and intensive care. To avoid problems, you have to choose, it is extremely useful in cosmetics .which is fine, but on the contrary, help to cope with the unpleasant effects of this type of skin. It is very difficult to find something similar on the shelves, the usual cosmetic store.

It is better to use the skin care products or other drugs. Useful are those which are composed of the following components.

  1. A Vitamin might be the retinol. This is the active ingredient that helps in acne, acne, acne. Sold a lot of funds in the retinol in the Department of cosmeceuticals (medical cosmetics). Use the medicine only for a while. Not tons of sense to use, as the component is addictive.
  2. Alpha-hydroacids (ANA). It may be the fruit acids (mandelic, malic acid, citric acid, recommended products, etc.). They are used in creams, masks, scrubs, pharmaceutical products for greasy, problem skin. Cleans pores, removes excess oil, regulates the process of separation of the liquid fat.
  3. Trace elements. It's zinc, sulfur, copper oxide. Excellent work on the skin rash, comedones. Anti-inflammatory effect. To disinfect and normalize the condition of the skin.
  4. Betta-hydroacids (MEAN). This additional information, as well as hyaluronic acid. They are often found in gels for washing, tonics, creams, shopping, masks, creams. Tightens the pores, cleanses the face, removes excess sebum, dries out the acne.
  5. Essential oil. Natural ingredients that softens, moisturizes the skin. Effect of eucalyptus essential oil, tea tree has been proven scientifically. They soothe, relieve inflammation.
care for oily skin hydration
In addition to these components, it is desirable that the device, as well as additional components to help cope with the troubles associated with oily skin. It's chamomile, celandine, St. John's wort, gingko biloba, marigold, stinging nettle and others. Increase the immunity of the skin, nourish, improve the condition of the cells, improve the surface condition of the epidermis.


Cleansing is the main step in caring for oily type of face. There is a daily, regular cleaning. The first is washing, hot water cleaning gel, strawberry whipped cream, and other things. The procedure is performed in the morning and evening to tone up the tone, cleanser, makeup, rest, normalization of the sebaceous glands.

Regular cleansing masks, scrubs, peeling, mechanical cleaning, darsonvalization. Strive, but not as often as the washing. The skin is stronger. Removes excess sebum, heal acne lesions, comedones, rejuvenate the cells, purified and narrow pores, create a refreshing, hydrated. Every procedure is done at different times, but the regular overall performance – gives good results.


Hydration is no less important procedure. Many people think that oily skin to dry skin. However, it is not. This was described above (myth # 5). Moisturizing also needs done daily, as one day the body loses about half a litre of water. In addition to the ordinary drinking water, skin of the necessary moisturizer. These creams, tonics, masks, creams.

Often hydration is done immediately after cleaning. After washing the cleaning medium to wipe a face moisturizer or moisturizing cream to apply. Moisturizing prevents aging of the skin, regenerates cells and supports elasticity.


The skin needs intensive nourishment. In addition to the vitamin, which the body daily, your epidermis needs nutritious cream. Masks, creams. You can buy them or make your own. Basic nutritional ingredients: oatmeal, honey, cinnamon, coffee, essential oils and plant extracts.

Professional care

Care for the skin, so it's not just you. If you have the desire and the money, you can turn to the professionals. Beauty salons offer new technologies and drugs to help cope with the problems of the skin. The wizard begins the work, the preparation of procedures for the treatment. Rely on one of the main problem. The direction of the treatment may be based on:

  • the alignment of the tones of the epidermis;
  • the rejuvenation of the cells;
  • correction of age-related changes;
  • teeth whitening;
  • cleanse, refine the pores;
  • the restoration of the skin;
  • vallum;
  • eliminates the inflammatory processes.

To entrust this procedure to professionals. They, in turn, must do the following:

professional care for oily skin
  1. Offers a variety of treatment options that will help resolve the problem.
  2. Explain that a procedure or medicine. To find out whether an allergic reaction to the components of the drug.
  3. Take into account the individual characteristics of the client.


Cosmetic procedure, which is based on the renewal of the cells. The injections or special equipment, the layers of the epidermis treated with the composition of hyaluronic acid, as well as drug-vitamin complex. He, in turn, inhibits cell aging, promotes skin regeneration, stimulates faster metabolism.

The procedure is recommended only for women after 25-40 years. Tightens the skin and regenerates the cells.

Professional peel

A professional peel is a deep cleansing facial that not only the pores constrict the blood vessels, but also removes the wrinkles, relieves inflammation, rejuvenates the cells. Peels are performed in different ways.

  1. Mechanical effects – - - of grinding, the skin of the diamond powder, special brush.
  2. Chemical effect – the top layer of the skin is to wash acids (dairy products, fruit, amino acids).
  3. Physical effects – the epidermis is cleaned by ultrasound or laser.
The the number of treatment depends on the condition of your skin and the desired results.

Salon mask

These masks are expensive, but the results are impressive to many. After applying the skin clean, smooth, without acne and excess fat. The composition of such a mask depends on skin types.


care for oily skin mask

Massage, cosmetic procedure, which is very useful for any skin type. Massage fight edema, the second chin, the active excretion of fat, hairy face contour of the wrinkles.

Each zone of the face using specific massage. Are divided into classic, pizzicato, plastic.


Good cosmetic procedure, which affects the pores, and abundant sebum by changing the high voltage, frequency current. This is a little awkward, but very effective. Duration of treatment: 12 treatments. Then be repeated after four months.